“Carmen” was hospitalized with her older brother due to a severe case of parasites and extreme malnutrition. She was then placed with an orphanage after she left the hospital because the authorities realized her home was an unfit place for her and her brother to live. At 18 months old Carmen did not have the muscle strength to sit up. The orphanage did not have any highchairs so Carmen was tied with a diaper cloth to hold her up while she ate. The orphanage worked hard to help her recover from malnourishment, but she was not receiving any care to help her get stronger. Carmen came to Casa Providencia a month after we opened and is now a happy baby! We have been able to provide her with the support she needs. She has reached all her gross motor milestones and loves to sit up and clap. Her caregivers have to keep up with her as she crawls very quickly and has even taken her first solo steps!