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Casa Providencia Video
In Panamá there are more than 200 special needs orphans in understaffed,
ill-equipped orphanages, many of whom are bound to their cribs to reduce the risk of injury.

Our Solution...

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MICAH 4: 6-7

“In that day,” declares the LORD, “I will assemble the lame and gather the outcasts, even those whom I have afflicted. I will make the lame a remnant and the outcasts a strong nation, and the LORD will reign over them in Mount Zion from now on and forever."


Special needs orphans are rarely adopted, often abused, and the cost to care for them is high. They have become known as the "unwanted of the unwanted."


Special Needs Orphanage and Therapy Center

This orphanage is be the only special needs orphanage in Panamá.  Because there are no special needs orphanages, children with special needs are put in regular orphanages where they do not receive appropriate care.  The normal orphanage in Panamá does not have the facilities and resources to provide for these children, causing them to tie them to their beds, not out of cruelty, but simply because they do not have enough staff to give them the attention they need.  Casa Providencia provides a place for the special needs orphans that has the individual care, attention, and resources they need to not only improve but to live healthy lives.


BUT...we need your help.  In order to continuing growing and providing care for more of these children, we need more people partnering with us through financial gifts.  

Please consider donating to this project today. 

Donate Form
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